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Oct 20, 2021

Remembering Nithesh Sanjeevi Saravanan, 19

On 19 October 2021, a notice of the death of 19 years old Nithesh Sanjeevi Saravanan was posted on the Facebook page of a funeral company that deals with funerals for ethnic Indians in Singapore. 

The age and the photo of the deceased caught our eye. He was only 19, and given that the photo chosen shows him in army fatigue, we believe that he is presently serving his national service. 

We do not know the cause of his death, and we hope that we can all refrain from speculating on the reason(s) and circumstances behind his death. What we should, instead, do is to remember his life, and the words he has left us with. 

Nithesh was a confident young man. He shared his interests on the website of the Singapore Physics Olympiad Training (SPOT) - He was a member of the Singapore Physics Olympiad Training team for 2020. 

"I have a diverse list of interests but generally I like learning to get better at anything I’ve taken an interest in. This is evident from a brief glance through my hobbies; while anime isn’t really something you are said to “learn” (though I very much enjoy), from it I have picked up basic Japanese phrases and have been inspired to relearn the piano to play some of the songs featured. Besides that, when I first started out with physics, admittedly it wasn’t my strong suit, but I pushed through with learning it extensively, as I had watched astrophysics documentaries as a kid and they had managed to light a deep interest in me which kept me going. Overall, I am happy to have the opportunity to join the training team and hope to continue attaining success in my various fields of interests".

Together with his national trainer, Bernard Ricardo, PhD, they published a paper titled "Moment of Inertia Computation via Analysis of Differential Elements" in The Physics Educator, Volume 2, No. 1 (2020).

To co-authored an academic article and have it published in an academic journal is certainly no small feat. To do it whilst he was still a student at  NUS High School of Mathematics and Science makes it even more noteworthy and impressive. Here a budding physicist who will in no time reach the peak of his brilliance.

His profile on the article reads:

Nithesh Sanjeevi Saravanan is currently a student at NUS High School of Mathematics and Science. He is actively involved in the Physics Olympiad and is passionate about research in the field. He obtained an Honorable Mention at the 2019 European Physics Olympiad. He also holds an interest in Mathematics and enjoys exploring its applications in solving real-world Physics problems for the betterment of society. Moreover, he strives to uncover the fundamental truths of the universe through Physics as well as to demystify the unknown through extensive research.

Download Nithesh's paper

This paper was also mentioned in A*Star Talent Search and Singapore Science and Engineering Fair 2020, and he was a participant in that said event. As an avid chess player, Nithesh also partook in the 71st National Schools Individual Chess Competition in 2019.

No amount of words can put into perspective the loss of this young, inquisitive and brilliant mind. His words speak for himself. That's the beauty and the tragedy of this obit.

With at least a published journal article to his name, his legacy is well-assured.

He would have been publishing even more of his observations and his findings in an illustrious life to come. More people in Singapore and the rest of the world would come to read about the depth of his knowledge on physics and the universe that houses the planet we all call home. He would have been an inspiration for budding physicists for generations to come.

Alas, he has, on 18 October 2021, left us all, far far too soon. Singapore has lost a bright young talent.

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Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are that of Death Kopitiam Singapore alone. We are not acting or speaking for any organisations or persons who may be for or against the death penalty. We hope to hear your views on this matter, and may we may find some form of consensus on this matter, however difficult it may be. Thank you.
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